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Diet Coke. Don't touch my Diet Coke.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 1

Since I have never written a blog and have no idea how to really get started, I am stealing an idea that has manifested itself 28347832 times on these interwebs already--I am going to start with a "30 Day Challenge" of sorts. I found one that I think works.

"Day 1: Introduce, Recent Picture and 15 interesting facts about me."

Doesn't seem TOO painful.

Well, let's see--my name is Matt, short for Matthew and I sometimes get called "Matty." (I really like to be called that actually, but not everyone can get away with it.) I have my father's middle name (Morrell) and my son is also a "Morrell." It is some sort of old family name, but I have no idea where it came from. I used to hate it as a kid, but I have grown rather fond of it as I get older.

I am from Salt Lake City, and have lived here all my life. I am 32 years old, and going back to school to study nursing. I am a divorced single father. My son is type one diabetic, and that has really affected us in many ways, too many to list here (at least today--I'm sure I'll get to that post eventually).

Hmm...recent picture. What does "recent" mean anyways? Do I have to snap a picture now, or can I use one from a couple months ago? Ah-HA! Dictionary.com says that "Recent" can refer to geologic time, as in the "recent epoch," so I have about 10,000 years leeway on that. Score! The photo here is one my kid took, we were at the baseball game and on the field to watch the fireworks show. This is from last August, so not terribly old. I like it. I hate my double chin though--what the hell is that anyway? I am not a big guy, yet my neck seems to harbor some delusions of grandeur--does it secretly want to be a body builder or something? Lame.

15 Interesting Things. I am going to try to pick things that people who know me probably don't know, or at least aren't completely obvious. I am sure that I am not really as sneaky as I'd like to think I am.

1. I love coffee, but dislike warm drinks. Iced please, kkthxbuhbye.

2. I am a sucker for those Pixar movies; I see them all on opening day, and own (or have owned at one time) most of them. "The Incredibles" is probably my favorite.

3. Neil Diamond is a God amongst men; he lets us all live here because he truly does love YOU.

4. When I was about 4 years old, I dropped a puppy off of a balcony. Turns out, puppies can't fly. I didn't know better. I feel really bad about it to this day. Horrible actually; probably the worst memory I have.

5. I was born with a club foot. My whole right leg is slightly smaller and shorter than my left. My right foot is 2 sizes smaller. It was partially corrected. I have less range of motion in that ankle, and also arthritis. I can tell you with surprising accuracy if it really is going to rain today. (It isn't.)

6. I read very quickly. Very quickly.

7. I am pretty sure I have tinnitus. I hear ringing in my ears. Should have worn earplugs, but I thought I was too cool for school.

8. I am prone to unrequited crushes.

9. When someone asks what my favorite color is, I always answer blue; but this isn't exactly true--I really like green. All shades, and all hues. I answer with "blue" because blue really was my favorite color for most of my life, and it is just a reflex. But I am pretty sure greens take my cake.

10. I struggle with mechanical devices and computers. They hurt my head. Good thing I can get someone else to fix it. Kicking, hitting and/or yelling at stubborn inanimate objects does work in many situations though. Srsly.

11. I suck at math. Really... suck... at math. If it is more than basic 'rithmitic, it kicks my ass.

12. I know the difference between "their," "there" and "they're." Also "all right," "alright," "to," "two" and "too." These are not interchangeable. Don't even try it. Oh, and "farther" and "further." Farther is a measure of distance, further is a degree of something. Drives me nuts.

13. Lennon > McCartney. This is not negotiable.

14. If I go to Jamba Juice or somewhere else where they ask for your name to call for your order, I sometimes give them a fake name. Usually "Tom." I am not sure why I do this, but I suspect it has something to do with my desire to be a spy or interloper of some sorts. Cloak and Dagger!

15. I like to do things the hardest way I possibly can. This is not a conscious decision, but based on results, it is fact.

Well, I made it through Day 1. Not a very interesting read, but I did it. Hope your day is good!


1 comment:

  1. OK, No. 14 that is what "T" does, but it's because he has a difficult name. Nobody ever gets it right. I think you both should think of more creative names and see how that plays out. It might be more entertaining.

    Welcome to the blogosphere.
