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Monday, April 4, 2011

"Echo Effect," and what it really doesn't mean.

Day 2: What is the meaning behind the name of your blog? Short answer? Nothing. It means nothing. What it really means though, is something. At the very least, something. "Echo Effect" is the name of a song from a band I played with, and it seems like ages ago. I hated the name of the band. HATED.; utterly loathed, detested, and pretty much felt embarrassed every time I saw it on our fliers/stickers--whatever. A monumental fail. When it came down to choosing a name, I was out-voted; long-live democracy, eh? I'd love to tell some sort of complex and profound story about the origin of the name and the lyrics; there isn't. It was called "Echo Effect" because of precisely that; our guitars were set to an extreme delay which delivered an "echo" effect. Literally. That's it. I know, very deep and artsy, right? Blah. Now, I must qualify this; I happen to be rather fond of the song in and of itself. The interplay of guitars, the solid bassline-they do count for something. The lyrics were written by Luke and Blake, and follow solidly the "call/answer" lyrical styling that I have always been so fond of. If you don't know what that means, I can sum it up quite succinctly: the first singer delivers his or her's line, and the second responds or continues the phrasing--quite effective, when done properly. This song does not disappoint as an example of that musical form. Originally I had planned on including the lyrics and elaborating on them from there. I have decided against that--they are irrelevent to the purpose of this post. The song itself doesn't matter, it is not on display here. Instead, I will sum it up in a few words: it is about vulnerability and self-consciousness. The speaker wants to violently, desperately, break those ties-- but in the end acknowledges the unrealistic and futile results of any attempt to seperate the self from these most basic of emotions. So why did I choose to name my blog after this song? The answer is simple. The mere sound of the words evoke intrigue and inquiry; "Echo Effect." Say it aloud. Now do it again. See what I mean? Almost as good as "Cellar Door." So here it is. I named my blog after this song because I think that the title is more profound than the song. The name "Echo Effect" makes me think of the ripples from a stone cast into still waters; they radiate out from such a small point, and affect--in the most minute and profound ways-- anything and everything they touch. I expect that about 4 people are even reading this--but if anything I ever have to say touches you, maybe you will share--and our own little "echo effect" will find its way into the world. Godspeed.

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